In Savannakhet you will find the Ho Chi Minh Trails. It is a network of trails parallel to the Vietnamese border. The trails were used by the North Vietnamese troops during the Vietnam War and by The Viet Minh against the French in the 1950's. Even though the Vietnamese denied the existence of these trails, and the Americans denied having bombed them, it is possible to see helicopters, battle planes and other military equipment spread around the trails today.
The Khammouane province has two large wilderness areas. One of the areas consists of large forest areas, while the other primarily consists of limestone. The limestone area is a labyrinth of impressive limestone caves, rivers and jungle. You can walk around in this labyrinth and experience an absolutely phenomenal nature area. In the monsoon, it is not possible to access this area by road; you can only get there by boat.
The Phousi Mountain is situated in the centre of Luang Prabangs. To climb up the mountain can be hard but it is definitely worth the trip. There is a formidable view from the top of the mountain where you can see "The Royal Palace", and the surrounding rivers and villages.
The museum is situated in the old royal palace and has a large collection of artefacts from former kings of the Lane Xang Empire. The French built the palace in 1904 to replace a small wooden palace. The museum's exhibition is outstanding and gives a good insight into the history of Laos.
The Xieng Thong Temple is situated 300 metres from where the Khan River runs into the Mekong river. King Setthathilat built the temple in 1560 and it is the most fascinating temple in Luang Prabang. The combination of coloured glass and gold coating gives this temple a very beautiful appearance. The beautiful roof makes you think of a bird that has spread its wings out.
The Bokeo province is the smallest province in the country and borders on Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). The province has 34 different ethnic groups and these groups often have their own religion, language and colourful clothing.
The national park stretches along the Vietnamese border and offers a range of mountains, the tallest mountains rising 1950 metres up. 70 percent of the national park is covered by forest, which has a large variation of wild animals. You may, among others, see the Asian black bear, elephants and tigers.
A lot of mountains rise in this area, only cut by roaring waterfalls and lovely Hot Springs. The area has no less than 23 different ethnic groups, which often have their own culture, religion, language and colourful form of clothing.
The Bolaven plateau is a huge area, which stretches into three regions in the southern part of Laos. The plateau is a very fertile area, where the Laven tribe grows some of the best coffee in the world. They also grow verdigris, cardamom and different fruits. The area has impressive waterfalls, which run out into large lake-looking areas, where possibilities to take a swim are good.
The Wat Phu temple is situated in the Champassak province and is one of Laos' most impressive temples. Wat Phu was built in the 5th century by the Khmer people and is placed on a hilltop near a freshwater spring. The area around the temple is overwhelming and the place is a must if you go to the southern part of Laos.
Patuxai is situated in the northern end of Xang Avenue, and the monument very much looks like the famous Arc of Triumph in Paris. Patuxai was built in the mid-1950's, and is only a kilometre from the presidential palace. In the daytime, you can get into Patuxai, where there is a wonderful view over the entire city.
The That Luang Palace is situated 3 kilometres North of the city centre and is among the most important religious buildings in entire Laos. That Luang was built in 1566 by King Setthatirat and restored in 1935. People say that That Luang, just as many other Buddhist monuments, is built on top of a very old khmer area.
This temple is the oldest in Vientiane. King Anouvong built it in 1818. The temple itself is fascinating, but the content makes it even more impressive. The temple has over 6,800 Buddha statues and pictures.
In the Kham district, 52 kilometres North of Phonsavan (the biggest city of the area), you will find two hot springs: Bo Noi (The Little Spring) and Bo Yai (The Great Spring). It is a wonderful area for relaxing. It is possible to bath in the hot springs, where the water can reach 60 degrees.
Plain of Jars is a mysterious, unexplored area in the Xieng Khuang province. They have discovered a large number of huge vats and jars here, but they do not know where they originate. The huge vats and jars are made of solid rock, which is not believed to be from the area. Collectors have taken many of the small jars, but there are still several hundreds left in the area.